Contempt for the insidious and weak traits inherent in the human race led to the formation of Treachery, the US based three piece who draw just as much from the eerie realms of Dark Ambient and Doom as they do from stripped down, cacophonous Black Metal. This triangulation of hate formed out of unexpected territory, the world of Industrial Electronics and Breakcore, where each member holds well respected solo projects of their own. Coming together on front-woman Hecate's own label, Zhark International, this project utilizes all of their strengths whilst broadening their field of impending annihilating impact. Debuting with a self-titled five tracker, Treachery presents a full range of their divergent tastes indulging the listener in a tumultuous ride into ever overcast vistas. Rachael Kozak, aka Hecate, has orchestrated an immense premiere which we at Czar of Crickets are proud to introduce. Known most recently in the Metal scene for her work with the infamous Belphegor, she has been building stronger alliances within the Black Metal domain for years since her last full length entitled "Brew Hideous" was hailed by electronics fans and Metalheads alike . Her label mates and band members, Abelcain and Slutmachine, take their vision of bleak and ripping sound to the next level with live guitars and bass rounding off her extreme vocal style. A seamless integration of synthetic and organic layers seethe and howl leaving you one step closer to the imminence of your own Death throws....